Scheduling - VantageSportz

Paperless Automation

Make your life less complicated with LeagueMinder! Our system streamlines daily tasks and communication for all your atheltic management needs, from the creation of schedules, to game contracts, to booking game help, to aissigning + paying officials, to reserving facilities + transportation, to managing eligibility + transfers, to building rosters, to sending automated push notifications. All with the goal of eliminating double entry of data for your staff. Best of all, the information syncs in real time to your mobile athletics website!

Learn More About LeagueMinder

Real-Time Sync of Schedules and Scores

Syncing schedule and score information from LeagueMinder to your Customized Sportz Website is automated, so you never have to worry about changing your settings. LeagueMinder will sync to your site in real time allowing your sports community to have the most up to date and accurate information all at their fingertips.

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Leave the tedious department work to us and get back on the field!